Training for gender equality

Sat 15.4.2017 11:56 pm

Goal(s): it proposes to use training to promote social change. In this way, participants will act for explore, analyse and transform the reality in which they are living.

Details of the proposed activities:

the training is based on real events, about gender (dis)equality, that participants discuss each other and then it will represent it (role play) with the help of an expert trainer. During training anyone can stop the performance when a character is oppressed in some way and try to improvise a solution on stage, to improve awareness about gender (dis)equality and to induce different behavior.

Internal and external stakeholders to be engaged in the design and implementation: qualified trainers, organizational well-being commission, Service of Welcoming and Listening for well-being of workers, Department Directors.

Estimated time and resources (human, monetary etc.) required for the design and implementation: it depends on the number of participants involved. To train a thousand participants it estimates 10.000 euros to pay trainers.

Type of submission

Individual submission